

Controllable light array. Functional light source that sequences in different patterns depending on whats happening

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Notify Lights - Function is to illuminate the room, but will flash/scroll a pattern to notify you of events.

12 rows of LED bars are fixed to the ceiling at equal spaces to cover the area they are to illuminate.

With the driver circuit I have made each row can consist of up to 60 LEDs. In this project I will be using 40.

An Arduino board controls the on/off state and brightness of the rows.

There are a number of external sensors like door switch, PIR and light detector, later I will add a distance from door sensor so I know when someone is about to enter the man cave.

The Arduino software accepts input via serial to control all aspects of the function of the controller (originally used to debug and test sequences, by sequences I mean the various scroll and brightness patterns)

I am using pre built bars of 20 LEDs operating off 12V that I bought as a kit at the local hardware store. They gang very easily. So making a row expand from 20 to 40 to 60 LEDs is a simple matter of plugging another bar into that row. The kits come with a connecting cable so you can put the other bar directly onto the current bar or in another location of the room with the connecting cable. Simply plug it in.

This project scratches an itch – lets me know what is happening outside my man cave in the cellar.


This project was completed some time ago but because of a poor choice of LEDs (much much cheaper) I have had to replace them and redo the driver circuit from scratch.

This is not a bad thing as the end product is so much better.

P.S. Xmas (LED) lights are cheap and nasty.

  • Control from any device

    Chris Sullivan03/05/2016 at 19:49 0 comments

    Right now the Arduino is permanently plugged in to the server so is always controllable through ssh.

    I have written two scripts. A server and client.

    The server script runs on the server and monitors a port on the network.

    The client script can run on any machine on the network. It sends control data to the server, the server script accepts the data sends it to the Arduino. All responses from the Arduino are send back to the client and the connection is dropped.

    The scripts are in Python, the server is Debian.

    When the Mycroft comes having it control the lights will be simple.

  • Hardware installation complete

    Chris Sullivan11/20/2015 at 12:23 0 comments

    In the end I used 12 rows of 60 LEDs.

    Everything is working as planned.

    I could end the project here but there is so much more I can do with this.

    Coming soon:
    Integration of Mycroft (the kickstarter has ended but the product is not yet shipping)
    This will enable voice control.

    Server control. The Arduino is permanently connected (USB) to the home server.
    I already have terminal control of the Arduino, planned is an API (daemon) on the server so anything can interface.

    Will post cct diags and parts list soon.

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